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Travel Awards Applications are closed

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Application Period

November 18- December 18, 2024; 11:59pm(GMT+8)

Applications are now closed. We are unable to accept any late applications due to the amount of time required to review applications and to ensure fairness in the review process.

Notification Period

January 1-15, 2025; 11:59pm (GMT +8)

All successful applicants will be notified by January 15, 2025; 11:59pm.

(GMT +8)

General Policies

Only successful applicants will be notified by email. The tier or amount to which an Awardee receives will be at the discretion of the co-host organizing committee. 

  • Awards are to be used for conference registration fees, and/or travel expenses to and from the conference (including hotel accommodation, airfare, train, bus, Uber, Grab, Lyft, taxi, public transportation, and visa fees/travel insurance for international awardees). 

  • Awards are not to be used as a food/beverage stipend, or to cover any costs not pertaining to the conference registration fee and travel expenses.

  • Awards will be given in accordance with our “Reimbursement Policies” listed below; successful applicants must agree to and  follow the policies in order to be reimbursed.

  • All reimbursements will be sent directly to the receipt holder/travel awardee without any exceptions.

  • The Organizing Committee reserves the right to withhold/cancel awards offered to Awardees if Reimbursement Guidelines are not followed.

  • Awardees are required to pay for all relevant expenses first and obtain acceptable receipts to be reimbursed.  

  • Awardees must fill out the Travel Expenses Reimbursement Form  via the link  below  in its entirety, ensuring all fields are filled out correctly. Relevant and acceptable receipts must be combined into a single PDF file and uploaded to the form. Those who would like to be reimbursed via bank transfer must also fill out the section asking for your Bank Details.

Reimbursement Policies

In-Person Reimbursement

  • In-person reimbursement time slots will be made available before the Gala on August 28, 2025 and in the morning before our cultural excursions on August 29, 2025. Additional details will be announced through Housekeeping Announcements and via the WHOVA app.

  • Once our staff have received and reviewed your Travel Expenses Reimbursement Form and receipts, reimbursements will be given out in cash (New Taiwan Dollar). 

  • Once Awardees confirm in-person that the cash amount given is correct, they will be required to sign a “receipt of payment” form to act as proof that the correct amount has been received. 

Bank Transfer Reimbursement​

  • Once our staff have received and reviewed your Travel Expenses Reimbursement Form and receipts, reimbursements will be bank transferred to you after the conference and within 30 business days from the submission of your form and receipts.

  • Please ensure that all banking details have been filled out correctly. If a bank transfer is denied or canceled, any bank costs incurred due to information being filled out incorrectly will be deducted from the amount wired to you.

  • The amount wired will be made in New Taiwan Dollar. The exchange rate will be according to the day of the wire. Awardees will be responsible for all bank handling fees.

Travel Awards for the AfA Conference Taipei 2025 have been made available thanks to the support of our generous sponsor Everrich Duty Free Group

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