One Focal Point to Spot The Truth
Through these reports, AfA member organizations come together as a collective to shine a light on animal issues. From exposing animal cruelty content trends on social media to laying out the funding landscape of the farm animal movement, AfA reports have significantly contributed to the animal advocacy movement, by providing data, resources and awareness raising to organizations, governments and members of the public alike.
How Do Our Reports Help
UK Safety Bills - In 2022, findings from SMACC reports were presented to the UK government
~20% of cruelty links removed after reporting - Our database from SMACC's reports shown a significant increase in cruelty content being removed from social media platforms.
Working relationships with TikTok, Meta and YouTube - Data from SMACC's extensive research is used to build a picture of the worldwide issue on online animal cruelty, is used in reports and is used as evidence in our work with social media companies.
Latest updates
Liverpool, the UK - Man jailed for publishing monkey torture online
Worcester, the UK - Women jailed over sadistic monkey torture videos
June 2024
Thanh Hoa, Viet Nam - Provincial authorities confiscated two macaques from a YouTuber who had been illegally keeping these monkeys for the purpose of using these animals as entertainers on his YouTube channel. The case was received initially by ENV, a member of AfA's SMAC Coalition.
September 7, 2023
UK - UK government classified animal torture as a priority offence, bringing it to the same class as other types of content like child sexual abuse, threat to kill, etc.