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The conservation and welfare challenges faced by a multi-taxon wildlife rescue centers

At SARCC's Frontlines event, Dr. Irhamna Putri's presented an on-the-ground, frontline perspective on conservation and welfare challenges faced by a multi-taxon wildlife rescue center and ways to overcome them.

To view SARCC's full event 'Sanctuaries and rescue centers: on the frontlines of conservation and welfare' please head to the playlist on Animals for Asia Youtube Channel.

About Dr Irhamna Putri

Irhamna Putri DVM who is a conservation program supervisor of the Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja – Yayasan Konservasi Alam Yogyakarta, located in Yogyakarta, Java Indonesia. She has led several conservation and research projects in WRC Jogja such as the genetics of binturong from Indonesia and a Malayan Giant Turtle ex-situ conservation effort. She has a deep interest towards sustainable and resilient conservation institutions, especially the wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centers.

About SARCs Frontlines event: SARCs are often placed at a seemingly conflicting point between alleviating the suffering of individuals and acting as guardians of threatened species. When we consider the needs of individual animals, overpopulated SARCs, their limited resources and the need to rehabilitate, release and contribute to species conservation, the right way forward is not always clear. In April 2023, The SARC Coalition hosted its first online event - Sanctuaries and Rescue Centers: On the Frontlines of Conservation and Welfare was designed to share with SARCs some of the programs and tools available to help with these challenges, and to catalyze conversations between SARCs on these shared challenges.


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