Our coalition comes together to ask Subway to put a date on their commitment to stop using cage hens in Asia

The Open Wing Alliance is a global alliance of NGO’s committed to ending the horrors endured by countless millions of cage-bound, egg-laying hens.
Recently they have been systematically targeting food production and out let giants such as Subway, and when the chance came to lend support to this issue, AfA was only too happy to help.
Our letter, signed by a further 176 NGO’s , is specifically addressed to decision makers at Subway Asia.

The letter further informs them of welfare concerns faced by these hens, the ethics of why this issue should be address, and lets them know that AfA can be consulted if they wish any further info on this.
We also implore them not to fall in to the trap of ‘green-washing’, setting up deadlines and targets, as some companies do, just to placate the public and give their company a false ethical sheen. Instead, we urge them to commit, in writing, to the deadlines they have laid out globally for moving away from cage eggs.
Read our letter HERE

all images in this post by Moving Animals
Whilst we await a response from Subway, check out how Open Wing Alliance are making a difference for hens worldwide.