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CiB Asia is a collaboration between Asia for Animals Coalition and Compassion in Balance by Jessica Dolce.


We know there is a silently spreading well-being crisis in the animal protection movement across Asia and beyond.


Compassion fatigue, burnout and related stresses are rife and those who are dedicating their lives to help end animal suffering are bearing the brunt.


At CiB Asia, we bring education and resources to address this ever-growing crisis.  We are not a substitute for medical or behavioral health care. Any person experiencing trauma, distress, or any other mental or physical health problems should consult with a qualified healthcare provider or their local emergency services.

Struggling? Get free, confidential support from a real person. Click here to be taken to the International Association for Suicide Prevention and select your country.

A course to help you build compassion resilience

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About the FREE course

​​Designed in partnership with Jessica Dolce (Compassion in Balance).  This is a self-learning 1 hour-long webinar with downloadable workbooks. The course aims to enable you to be better equipped to recognize compassion fatigue symptoms in yourself and others, and have the tools to keep advocating for animals without burning out.


​Key takeaways:

  • Understand compassion fatigue, burnout, and other various types of workplace stressors

  • Identify symptoms of compassion fatigue

  • Learn methods to care for ourselves and each other while we do challenging work


FREE for AfA Coalition member organizations (not available to the public). If your animal organization is not yet a member, join the AfA Network for free

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About Jessica Dolce

Jessica has worked in animal welfare for over twenty years and in 2013 she became a certified compassion fatigue educator. Today her sole focus is on supporting animal protection workers around the world, helping them to manage the effects of working in high-stress and trauma-exposed environments.


Her platform, The Compassion in Balance Program, is a unique educational hub, designed to support animal care, welfare, and protection professionals, helping them to care for themselves, while they care for animals.

Access Well-being Resources

All resources shared through CiB Asia are for educational purposes only. We do not provide professional mental health services, and our instructors are not licensed therapists or physicians. The information and resources offered are intended to support well-being but are not a substitute for medical advice. By using CiB Asia materials, you accept full responsibility for any physical, mental, or emotional consequences resulting from their use or non-use. You agree to exercise your own judgment and due diligence before applying any ideas, suggestions, or recommendations from these resources to your life or career.
Tip: use the filter, sort and search functions at the top of each table to find exactly what you need - or type in a keyword or  just browse using the scrollbar at the side. Click on an item for more detail! 

Share Your Resources for Well-being

You can help each other by filling the form below

"Self-care is never a selfish act - it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch"


-Parker Palmer-

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