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Let's Unite Our Voices for Positive Change for Animals

With strong Core Members Organizations and an average of 180 Network Member Organizations adding their support to AfA appeal letters, we have the potential to push for long-lasting and positive changes for animals.

Ongoing Appeal Letters

AfA Appeal Letters Process

The Asia for Animals Coalition raises appeals regarding either facility-, policy-, or incident-specific concerns, or broader animal welfare issues where appropriate. 


These appeal letters are drafted by our coordinators in collaboration with relevant experts, citing scientific evidence, legal & ethical guidelines, and are always based on reports and evidence submitted by members or trusted partners. 

Before You Run An Appeal

Approval & Support by CMOs

Once drafted, appeal letters are circulated first to all Core Member Organizations (CMOs)  for approval and support. Appeals are then forwarded to the Network Member Organizations (NMOs) so that they may add (or withdraw) their support as necessary.

For External Appeals

If you wish to run an appeal letter through your organization, you could have our network organizations contacting you directly or have AfA's help and support in gathering organizations' names and logos (or any other information you require) on your behalf. 

Get Support from AfA Network

When joining the AfA Network, NMOs can choose to automatically support all appeals, meaning that their support will automatically be added to appeals in step 4 of the process above unless they tell us otherwise within 7 working days. ​

You Can Remain Anonymous

Finalized appeal letters are then sent directly to the facility, authority or government department directly from the AfA Coalition. The organization or individual who raised the issue initially always has the option of being named or remaining anonymous.

If you’d like to run an appeal or still need more information about appeal, please get in touch via contact at the bottom of this page

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